Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Always with great ideas, thanks to this new initiative! I will put into practice. Destralhar home f

After the success of the series house in 7 days Destralhar, you throw a new challenge: life organization in the last 7 days. Most of us want to organize, destralhar, simplifying not only the house and the physical space around us, but also the lives, habits, schedules, obligations, time. The biggest problem is knowing what to do and where to start. Therefore, this series of seven articles I will address some of the tools that I think are needed to organize and simplify your life. They are:
I sorted!! Kissy Delete Reply
Account! Delete Reply
Last month I had to find out more details about the method of FlyLady and I ended up doing most of the steps (some have done), but I think that's a challenge! :) I will closely monitor Beijinho Filipa www.welc-Reply Delete
Hello Rita! I'm super interested
in this new challenge. Can not do it now because I'm about to move house (the city, and ...), but will make room for the installation! :) Reply Delete
Me too! I am a natural love for simple organization. I think I always
do. Access your blog have a lot of time reading books and others that have helped me immensely. This is a small issue but still can not solve (and gave me a headache) organize finances is to convince my better half to mount it to me. 'Talked a lot about it, I explained organize finances my reasons organize finances and my pleasure to see the organization, had asked him to collaborate with me or, at best, to respect what I'm clean and make an effort to maintain, but it was a lost war. Do you have any advice to help me here? :) Reply Delete
I sorted it :) Delete Reply
Let's see if I can because we have had in our home. But I! (Btw, went home sick, you can not imagine session destralhamento I will do, from one end to the other!) Delete Reply
I. no purpose, just to prepare myself to do so. But I (still) m chickens paper, related to the schedule so as not to be distracted with the computer program = /. I even have a vote, but do not use ... B'jinhos Delete Reply
III! Delete Reply
Always with great ideas, thanks to this new initiative! I will put into practice. Destralhar home for 7 days with a positive note ... Not within 7 days, but almost ... about 1 month was not easy at all :) Above all requires a lot of discipline Blog :) Congratulations Each daily here! ... Week. Delete Reply
Hi Rita, I'm from Brazil and I'm going to follow the challenge! Delete Reply
Thank you for sharing this challenge. September is a great month to reorganize my life! :) Reply Delete
Busy woman and Cat Stripy is a blog about minimalism and simple living. Here are tips to share on how to simplify family life, family, life, time, habits, financial. I try to live a minimalist life while working full-time in research and make a home of four different people and animals. Besides like minimalism organize finances as a lifestyle, I also like science, organize finances classical music and jazz, family life, crafts, decorations, sports and ebooks addiction.
Busy woman and Cat Stripy is a blog about minimalism and simple living. Here I share views and experiences on how to simplify the home, family and your professional life, time, and financial habits. I try to live a minimalist life while working full time as a research scientist and managing a household of four people and some animals. In addition to minimalism organize finances as a lifestyle, I like science, classical music and jazz, family and Homelife, crafts, decorating, and I'm a sports addict ebook. All articles from beginning to September 2011 was written in Ingles. From then on, I Ingles posts tagged with EN. If you would like to read the other posts (I hope you do!), Please use the google translate button on. Translation will not be perfect, organize
finances but you get the idea ...
baby food and money internet computer inner ramblings DIY Ingles project time management books and media role minimalist use of all clothing and health and beauty accessories simple and organizing the treatment of a compact family life green
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