Visa's sixth national anthem September registration kynnistyy. Compared with the previous quiz was attended by over 7,000 students. Visa song is 3 - and 4-my quiz grade, which tehdn hymnal known to school children in an engaging diy cubes manner.
- The actual steps visas will happen teams kolmehenkisissä, is specifically diy cubes meant to inspire the class to sing along. This will strengthen the sense of community
Visa is a project aimed at schools, but the implementation of parish staff are very supportive.
- Hymn of visa to strengthen cooperation in the 'window' of schools in many ways. Anthem is part of the program and how meaningful diy cubes visas dealing with this. Schools and local phase of 20 hymns contribute to music, religion or culture, literature, education and issues related to teaching. They support the school's diy cubes cultural tradition worship life, Torri, Tuominen says.
Visa will be developed in four phases in the spring of 2013. Schools quiz in week 7 Kouluvisojen face the winners diy cubes of the parish in week 11 Every diocese looking for the best 16 April, and the national finals held on May 17, Church of Latter-day Kuopio.
Parishes organize visa anthem of child labor with the Central Association PSC - boys and girls Central Association, Church Council and the National diy cubes Council of Education. At the local level, take the quiz! Schools, parishes and Dioceses.
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