Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Empire State Building rises in the distance behind the arch in Washington Square Park, a landmar

The Empire State Building rises in the distance behind the arch in Washington Square Park, a landmark in the Manhattan neighborhood of Greenwich Village. Patrons line up outside the Apollo Theater in Harlem to see Amateur Night. Since 1934, Amateur Night at the Apollo has launched the careers of famous entertainers such as Billie Holiday, James Brown, The Isley Brothers, giovannoni design Luther Vandross, Michael Jackson, Lauryn Hill, and many others. Spectators walk through the Great Hall before a New York Yankees game at Yankee Stadium. The New York Yankees play against the Chicago Cubs at Yankee Stadium on April 3, 2009 -- the first game to be played in the new Yankee Stadium. The Yankees won 7–4. A wide-angle view of the construction at the World Trade Center site in lower Manhattan. The site is being rebuilt giovannoni design with six new skyscrapers and a memorial to the casualties of the 9-11 attacks.  Pedestrians walk past the "Charging giovannoni design Bull" -- the unofficial giovannoni design symbol of Wall Street

-- in the financial district. The 7,000 pound bronze sculpture is said to provide good financial luck to both stock traders and tourists. The area around the New York Stock Exchange is one of the busiest sections of town. Ellis Island, giovannoni design at the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor, is the symbol of American immigration. From January 1, 1892, until November 12, 1954, this location was the main entry point for immigrants entering the United States. giovannoni design The Ellis Island Immigration Museum is part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument and is one of the country's most popular historic sites A couple walks along the Coney Island boardwalk, opened in 1923. Coney Island

features entertainment parks, rides, an aquarium, a public beach, a boardwalk, fishing, and Nathan's restaurant. Tourists giovannoni design photograph the Statue of Liberty as they arrive by ferry from Manhattan. 24 Hours in New York City New York Tourist Attractions Traveling by subway is one of the best ways to get around the city. More than 4.3 million people ride the New York subway system every day. It is one of the oldest and most extensive public transportation giovannoni design systems in the world. Check out a Secret giovannoni design Subway Stop
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