Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Attention deficit hyperactivity with this problem organize this (ADHD) is a behavioral syndrome wit

Attention deficit hyperactivity with this problem organize this (ADHD) is a behavioral syndrome with a strong base nerobyolojik genetic elements. It is a neurological disorder characterized by moderate severe behavioral distractibility, short attention, restlessness, emotional instability and impulsive behavior.
The attention deficit hyperactivity Disorder in connection with an imbalance in the production of the brain in two nerotransmeteur: dopamine and noradrenalin. ADHD is something as a clinical entity in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), which represents a framework organize this kozatif.
Until recently it was thought that only a disease that affects children. Today, many adults keep agenda and strive to remember the anniversary of the wedding or go get the children organize this in school.
Losing 10 minutes looking for glasses that were always on our nose or it may be in a meeting organize this and suddenly organize this remember that we have committed to be at the same time in another place, that setbacks are generally not bring much impact. But there are people for what they oubli little is normal and can affect his life. For adults diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder or focus on an activity that is very difficult. While the year is losing hyperactivity organize this which is typical of children with this syndrome, keeping John Samuel Sangüesa, clinical psychologist team, called "inner turmoil". This is the dezorganizasyon chronic difficulty setting priorities, lack of ability to manage time, complete the work on their problems are appropriate, and many old errors. But if this is 5% of the adult population and is difficult to operate socially with these characteristics may be more time with their families. Trust who forgets everything Francisco organize this (51) no problems at work. As a clinical psychologist, must address issues of patient him every day, but it failed to solve the problems that had its own deficit, diagnosed 30 years ago, brought in their relationship. "I do not own one," he said, "do not respect schedules and that was my problem and partner me. Sometimes lived together for some time and I would get to do something else and I completely forgot organize this . " Today Francis is divorced, and even made it clear that these features were triggered by separation, they were added to the list of problems that have sabotaged relationship. Sangüesa Samuel said santimantalman-related people organize this with this syndrome have done. "If we consider that a couple has to strike a balance of activities, symptoms of conditions that the couple does not look overload syndrome and responsibilities need to be more considerate of all the details of daily life, because the other failed to pay accounts or commit and that later failed, "he said. And you know this clearly. A study by Wayne State University (USA), led by Dr. Arthur L. Robin and Eleanor Payson said Deficit fail to communicate effectively with their partners and overreact without thinking organize this of, doing and saying things that hurt a finished deal. More specifically, the researchers were able to find 10 symptoms of the disease that most affect a relationship (see box). Sensitive organize this and creative: Andrea Slachevsky force, a neurologist at the University of Chile, said that a striking feature of those who suffer from this deficit
is easier to get bored. In a child, organize this it can manifest quickly abandoned game and take another, but in adults this trend can materialize feel inclined to extreme sports and exciting experiences, such as those in the first phase of romance. Problem occurs when the relationship began afiata routine all couples know. "Quiet" is not in the dictionary of those who live with this problem. But there is only bad news. Beginning Sangüesa said many of the symptoms of this condition can be alleviated with the help of couple of good training "skills, such as organization, planning, priorities and management of concentration." For example, help provide suggestions on things I had forgotten or encouraged to keep a notebook of all commitments are excellent tactics to control them without losing their linguistic. Slachevsky believe "the wandering attention of those who help them see things and appreciate things more blood

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