Friday, October 19, 2012

Home hip hop occasionally reminds the family treasury. Treasure full of crap and phrases navlékanýc

Home hip hop occasionally reminds the family treasury. Treasure full of crap and phrases navlékaných as pearls on a necklace endless. Cabinet futile rafsan attempts embarrassing cases and scandals. It reminds bunch of guys with PARANOIA

self. A bunch of guys who rubs form of something forgotten the content. A bunch of guys that lacks talent, but even more lack of will, perseverance and hard work. Lipo of BPM in this "elite" has never been, but still: no contradiction now a little bit? It did not give up now and not stray rapovému cliches rafsan closer than ever? Not a chance.
There is a little bit nedočkavej does not over when the first rotating clips before the board? No. Not made two clips and 0.3 tracks. Belief in his own way he is missing, aka solo LP reported a dozen songs finished. Clips rotates so that the album gave the world to know sooner than a year after its release. They argue that hip hop needs a theme and not an empty cliché,

yet in the second single just solves your relationship to hip-hop? It's about true love. It is not only the topic, but also the way it is here, Lipo treatment and feeds two birds for the price of one - the text of the balance between meaningful content and rezignováním to him in the name of "entertainment" gives a damn šlapajícího to beat. If you wanted proof that the hit to beat not necessarily slapping bullshit, it's called "More than music?"
In short, whether you like it or not, Lipo of BPM is back in full form. Again has something to say. Again a great drum from a guy named ODD, which can still hear (aranžema on him this time Martin also participated Kidney). Again, a solid video. And again, it does not matter that he gestures as if he was young he dreamed of becoming a rock singer, who invokes the crowds at a football stadium, because

this is "pure hip hop." "I went through a crisis when it lost the hunger / hip hop was the fact that I had nothing more to give. If one listener, I still play / Heart is an organ that is not easily fooled. "Lipo wants only one thing from hip hop to be more than just music. And what do you want from him?
19th 10: | Imodium again hits the home tour!
Reverends are outside your first clip and I wish them better than the wire in the eye!! From the first valve after the christening clip hiding rafsan than 90 days peeks into the light of the world, which is longer than the gestation wolf ... on the other hand, less than pregnancy Macaque . In July conceived! rafsan Original story and screenplay took it upon himself přetlučen new ideas and improvisations on the spot Read more ...
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painted: Vitek Škop programming: rafsan Tomas Gažůr

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