Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I was surprised by the seriousness of the case, senior management was the essence of brushing me an

A few days before
April 10 this year, the first anniversary of the tragic killing of Reuters cameraman Hiro Muramoto 43-year-old Bangkok, internal container store e-mail message sent to all employees in Asia. She was managing container store editor of Asia Reuters while (since he fell from grace), and he asked the team to keep quiet a minute in memory of Hiro.
Something he and other senior executives knew, but no team was silent characterized by all policies on dealing with the death of Hiro. They decided container store to suppress their vital information on how Hiro dead, and make proactive efforts applicants did not report the case of Hero. They were determined to keep this information from journalists themselves, who tried their best to cover the story the way she did justice to the memory of Hiro. They chose not to share the information even in private with Thai authorities investigating the case. And most unforgivable container store of all, they chose to hide vital information Hiro's grieving widow and bereaved family.
Blog focused on one troubling aspect Reuters reaction to the death of Hiro. Conventionally, when a team member killed in action, Reuters investigation container store agency was invited to a third party to examine the circumstances surrounding container store the death of Hiro. Investigation concluded that the likelihood of an extension was shot killed by a bullet fired by a Thai soldier during container store a chaotic confrontation at WUA Cook. He apparently was not specifically targeted as a journalist, it seems more likely that he was shot randomly frightened soldiers container store spray bullets directly masses of civilians. This is standard practice for Reuters act transparently in such cases, and to release the findings of internal investigations by the third party and invited us - Reuters is, after all, the information container store society and has a set of "principles of trust" ethics should guide the actions of the team. Very sensitive cases, however, such findings publicly release could endanger the company's relationship container store with the police and the government was involved in the case, and it is better to maintain the confidentiality, at least for a while. Such cases Reuters is an accepted method container store to share the information privately with the investigating authorities. container store
I first became involved container store in the case when he discovered Hiro Muramoto Reuters could not even do that. They spent a lot of money on the report of the Office of Investigations, and then they tried to suppress the findings. container store
Let's be completely clear about the consequences of it. Reuters management container store withheld information in its possession on the death of one of his team not only his family, container store but also to investigating authorities. Such behavior is not only immoral, it's criminal.
After my blog post was published, called me a few others, inside and outside Reuters, who had information about the case. They told me that many of the more disturbing stories that showed me the extent of mismanagement and dishonesty by senior Reuters container store editors Hiro case was much more signicant and shamefully, I gather. And that really did not enjoy writing my blog registered attacked former employer, he thought it best to try and deal with the matter privately at first. I send e-mail Reuters editor in chief Steve Adler and ethics editor Jim Gaines, what bothers me. Here is the answer I received:
I know you have corresponded with the judge Candappa your concerns about what and how the world engages with Reuters family of Hiro Muramoto and the Thai government. container store We are deeply committed container store to the family of the Hero and the truth about what happened, and I can not find any evidence of this lack of commitment. I do know that Reuters published a number of public statements container store on the death of Hiro and government investigation and we were following regular communication with the family of Hiro months since his death. But in your heart refers to "alarming stories about how Reuters transaction Hiro's family after his death," your heart is Steve and me, and your previous comments Dane, do not really provide those stories. In the absence of detail, as we said before, it is impossible to answer your questions. container store
I was surprised by the seriousness of the case, senior management was the essence of brushing me and tells me to reveal what I knew. They should, of course, who investigated the case themselves. However, being a helpful guy, I decided to do what they asked me to and manage a comprehensive and thorough investigation of the case, so I can provide full details of Reuters. Because they were not willing container store to do their job, I was doing their job. During the last four months I have nothing in detail current and former staff, Reuters investigation team third party's current and former police and govern

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